AVOID These 7 Common Tree Pruning Mistakes! | Winter Prune Your Fruit Trees With Confidence
🌳🌳🌳Get our high-impact guide "The 9 things I WISH I knew BEFORE I Started My Backyard Garden" now for only $7 https://bit.ly/3Y73ZPt You might find yourself avoiding pruning your fruit trees. Or, you might find that you jump headling into pruning, but go a little crazy with your shears. Whoever you are, be sure to keep the tips in this fruit tree pruning video in mind as you apprqoch pruning this year! 🌳Get access to exclusive members-only perks here: / @thebusygardener 🌳SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBusyGard... Follow me to stay updated 🌳ITEMS I USE AND RECOMMEND (ALL IN ONE PLACE) https://www.amazon.com/shop/thebusyga... 🌳TBG Instagram Account: / thebusygardeners 🏷️--DEALS-- **Get LIVE Plants Delivered to You: https://shrsl.com/3cve9 **IV-Organics (Tree Whitewash, Fertilizer): https://ivorganics.com (10% off Code: BUSY10) **Epic Gardening (Birdies Beds, Seed Starters, Etc): https://shop.epicgardening.com?aff=31 (5% off Code: TBG5) **DripDepot (TONS of Irrigation supplies) https://aff.dripdepot.com/aff/idevaff... **Magidome (DIY geodesic dome) https://magidome.com/?ref=uxgwewb1ao (5% off Code: GetBusy) My Latest Video: • CHEAPO Pruning Shears from Amazon Com... For Business and/or Sponsorship please contact: [email protected] Edited by the illustrious Evan M. Gallagher / livelongdienever Some item/store links (such as Amazon) may be part of an affiliate program which help to support The Busy Gardener channel at no additional cost to you