Silent Hill 2 Remake - Hard Difficulty - No Damage Walkthrough, 100% ALL Collectibles - Full Game
A segmented, no commentary walkthrough for Bloober team's 2024 remake of Silent Hill 2. This video contains all the cinematics and follows the given rules: New game. Hard combat difficulty, Hard puzzle setting. No Damage, except for scripted moments (this is discussed thoroughly on other no damage communities). 100% Collectibles, all glimpses of the past, strange photos and memos were collected on a single run. A corresponding steam achievement for each were shown as proof. Additionally, no shortcuts were used during puzzle solving and routing (i.e not solving a puzzle until I collected all the necessary information required to solve them). Overall, I'm quite content with how my walkthrough turned out. I think my strategies were quite unique compared to other people who did the game in the same manner. My path optimization and resource management were quite top notch. I only had a gripe with a few moments in the game (and my work itself), such as: The prison puzzle randomized to a configuration which I was not familiar with, I had to solve it on the spot and made some wrong moves. How janky the target prioritization for the melee was sometimes, it ruins the fluidity. Some puzzles were solved way too slow; that was me scraping my cheat sheet in real life for the answers, LMAO! It seemed that I missed looting at least 5 shotgun shells and a few medical supplies that were just within arm's reach throughout the entire game. Which is quite bonkers considering there were some sections of the game, especially early to mid, where I did some risky decisions just for a few resources. TIMELINE: 00:00 - Start 31:32 - Wood Side Apartments 54:45 - Blue Creek Apartments 1:17:45 - Pyramid Head (first encounter) 1:21:40 - South Vale 2:04:15 - Brookhaven Hospital 2:43:37 - Flesh Lips 2:51:00 - Brookhaven Hospital (Otherworld) 3:25:01 - South Vale (Otherworld) 3:52:00 - Toluca Prison 4:31:10 - Abstract Daddy 4:41:30 - Labyrinth 5:19:15 - Eddie 5:29:07 - Lakeview Hotel 6:09:47 - Lakeview Hotel (Otherworld) 6:22:55 - Twin Pyramids 6:31:30 - Maria 6:46:57 - Credits 6:53:13 - Results #blooberteam #silenthill2remake #walkthrough #survivalhorror