9 Tiny Healthy Habits That Are Incredibly Easy to Stick to So You Can Stay Consistent

9 Tiny Healthy Habits That Are Incredibly Easy to Stick to So You Can Stay Consistent

What makes a habit stick?  We tend to try to do it all, but it's the TINY HABITS that add up to a major transformation.  Today we're chatting more about the concept of TINY HABITS by BJ Fogg and how this is a way less overwhelming way to ensure you habits stick so you can stay consistent and see and feel results.  Take action with 9 tiny habits that I'm sharing with you today! Need some more habit strategy catered toward midlife moms? Enroll now for free in my 3 day email challenge, HABIT LOOP BOOTCAMP! (https://emily-nichols.com/habit-loop-...)   *** HABIT HACKS: -Get a free 7 day trial in the TRAINING FOR LIFE (https://join.trainingforlifeapp.com/e...) app! -Need 1:1 accountability for your habits?  Schedule a FREE DISCOVERY CALL (https://calendly.com/emilynichols22/1...) to find out more! -CHECK OUT THE FREEBIE VAULT! (http://www.emily-nichols.com/freebiev...) : Access habit tools, self care checklist, ingredient meal tips, free workouts and more!  JOIN THE FREE COMMUNITY! (  / habithackyourhealth  ) LET’S CONNECT: Connect with Emily: @emilynichols22 (  / emilynichols22  ) www.emily-nichols.com  (http://www.emily-nichols.com/) Get your free 7 day trial in my habit based fitness app, TRAINING FOR LIFE! (https://join.trainingforlifeapp.com/e...)