[김치쌤 이하연] 한포기로 담그는 배추김치 김치명인이 절이기부터 숙성 방법까지 자세히 알려드려요

[김치쌤 이하연] 한포기로 담그는 배추김치 김치명인이 절이기부터 숙성 방법까지 자세히 알려드려요

안녕하세요, 김치명인 이하연 입니다 초심자를 위한 김치 담그기 영상이에요 시청해주셔서 감사합니다 봉우리김치 홈페이지 ~재료~ 절임 배추 1포기 napa cabbage     물 2L  water     천일염 300g solar salt 부재료    무 250g radish     배 ¼개 pear     부추 50g chives     쪽파 50g scallions 양념     생새우 50g raw shrimp     고춧가루 1컵 red pepper powder     다진마늘 75g crushed garlic     찹쌀죽 ½ 컵 glutinous rice porridge     (찹쌀1컵 + 물 7컵)     다시마물 1/2컵 kelp water     (다시마 10g + 물1L)     멸치액젓 80g anchovy sauce     새우젓 20g salted shrimp     검은깨 1t black sesame     다진생강 15g crushed ginger     멸치가루 ½ t anchovy powder ~레시피~ 1  배추는 반으로 가르고 분량의 물과 소금으로 절인 후 세 번 정도 씻어 물기를 뺀다 1 Cut cabbages in half, pickle them with water and salt, and wash them about three times to drain 2  다시마물과 찹쌀죽을 만들어 식힌다 2 Make kelp and glutinous rice porridge and cool it down 3  무와 배는 2mm 굵기로 채 썰고 쪽파, 부춥는 4cm 길이로 썬다 3 Shred radish and pear into 2mm thick pieces and cut chives into 4cm long pieces 4  생새우는 옅은 소금물에 씻어 물기를 뺀 다음 칼로 잘 저며준다 4 Wash raw shrimp in light salt water, drain and chop well with a knife 5  양념 재료에 새우젓과 멸치액젓, 생새우, 나머지 부재료를 넣어 버무린다 5 Mix salted shrimp, salted anchovies, raw shrimp, and vegetable ingredients in the prepared seasoning ingredients 6  배춧잎 사이에 양념소를 골고루 넣은 후 겉잎으로 돌려 싸고 단면이 위로 오도록 통에 담는다 6 Put the sauce evenly between the leaves of the cabbage, then wrap it with the outer leaves, and put it in a container so that the cross-section is up 7  통의 ⅘  정도를 채워 김치를 담고 푸른 겉잎을 덮어 공기가 통하지 않도록 눌러준다 7 Fill about 4⁄5 of the container with kimchi and cover it with green outer leaves to prevent air from flowing 8  상온에서 하루 동안 익힌 뒤 냉장 보관 후 20일 정도 숙성 후 먹는다 8 Leave it at room temperature for a day, refrigerate it, and let it ripen for 20 days before eating