Blow का मतलब हिंदी में | Blow Meaning in Hindi | Word Meaning Explained
In this video, we explain the meaning of “Blow” in Hindi. “Blow” means “फूंकना” or “धक्का देना” and is used in the context of air or forcefully moving something. Discover how to use “Blow” in your daily conversations. Example Sentences: 1. English: The wind blew the papers off the table. Hindi: हवा ने कागजों को मेज से उड़ा दिया। 2. English: She blew out the candles on the cake. Hindi: उसने केक पर लगी मोमबत्तियां बुझा दीं। Conclusion: So friends, “Blow” means “फूंकना” or “धक्का देना.” If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe. Thank you! Hashtags: #BlowMeaning #BlowInHindi #HindiVocabulary #DailyHindiWords #LearnHindi