Quickly Disconnect Ford Air Conditioning (A/C) lines | How To

Quickly Disconnect Ford Air Conditioning (A/C) lines | How To

Just Quickly showing how to use Ford's quick connect/disconnect Air conditioning lines. It's super easy if you have the right tool. I hope this video was helpful. thanks for watching. Disclaimer: Work on and modify a vehicle at your own risk. Opening A/C lines when the system is pressurized can be dangerous by causing frostbite and is harmful to the environment. Only open A/C Lines once the system has been properly evacuated. You are solely responsible for your actions. Always use proper safety equipment for the job. Find my quick disconnect master toolset here: https://amzn.to/3x9PVrq (paid link) (I may get commissions for purchases made through links with "paid link" next to them, buying from one of these links or using my coupon code will help me support the channel at no extra cost to you.) If you want to send me mail: 4WheelKid P.O. box 286 Sedalia, CO 80135 find me on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tdubskid/?h... Facebook:   / tdubskid