DIY Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams: Sunday School Bible Story project
JOSEPH INTERPRETS PHARAOH'S DREAMS 1st Scene (1st Page) - Joseph was a slave to Potiphar and was in charge of his master's house when he was 17 years old. Soon Potiphar's wife falsely accused Joseph and he was cast into a dark prison. 2nd Scene (2nd Page) - Joseph was in prison when the chief butler or cupbearer and the chief baker of Pharaoh were thrown into the prison. The two both had a dream and Joseph asked them and interpret it. 3rd Scene (3rd Page) - When Joseph was thirty years old, Pharaoh had a dream which troubled him greatly. Soon the butler remembered Joseph and he told Pharaoh about it. Then Pharaoh called for Joseph. his dreams and interpret it. Right away Pharaoh appointed Joseph and became the second most powerful ruler in Egypt. Note: Characters Picture can be search at Google #artsandcrafts #sundayschool #sundayschoolbiblelesson #sundayschoolteacher #sundayschoolkids #apostolic #apostolicofJesusChrist #apostolicpentecostaloneness #bible #biblestories