Put your general knowledge to the test in this quiz - can you beat it? Challenge yourself and see if you can answer these tough questions! Watch more: • General Knowledge Quizzes The quiz features 5 rounds and a SCOREBOARD that shows last week's participants' scores. That means you have the chance to be shown in next weeks quiz! This is an easy-to-play and family-friendly General Knowledge Virtual Pub Quiz. This is Trivia Quiz Rush: discover Amazing trivia for seniors and adults and the whole family. There are 51 points to be won: 50 for the quiz questions and 1 for the open bonus question. This weeks Quiz rounds / Quiz categories: 00:00 Quiz Intro 00:24 Quiz round 1: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 04:59 Quiz round 2: PEOPLE 09:04 Quiz round 3: CREATURES! 13:25 Quiz round 4: GUESS THE WRONG ONE 17:31 Quiz round 5: THE HUMAN BODY 21:39 Scoreboard + Bonus Question SCOREBOARD - Winners of the previous quiz: GOLD: @Team JAXA - 48 PTS GOLD: @Team G&A - 48 PTS GOLD: @carolynhotchkiss - 48 PTS SILVER: @Team Lyes - 47 PTS BRONZE: @Apoxas - 42 PTS Honorable Mentions: @LousyLeander - 41 PTS @GustavoEsc - 39 PTS *The Scoreboard is based on an honor system of course. 😉 Don't forget to check out these quizzes: • Nostalgia Quizzes • Music Quizzes • General Knowledge Quizzes • Special and Seasonal Quizzes Website: https://www.triviaquizrush.com Facebook: / triviaquizrush CAN YOU BEAT this GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ? Most people can’t! Pub Quiz, Online pub quiz, virtual pub quiz, trivia for seniors, general knowledge,#pubquiz #virtualpubquiz #virtualquiz #generalknowledgequiz