2017-12-17 Messiah Lutheran Church 11 am Traditional Service
Messiah Lutheran Church 11:00 AM Traditional Service. The Third Sunday of Advent. "Sing Joy to All the World" Cantata Sunday, with the Combined Choirs of Men's Chapel Chorale, Chancel Choir, and Senior Saints, Barbara Teague, director. Welcome, by Pastor Karl Hanf (2:30). Call to Worship, led by Bob Crist, cantor (3:28). Greeting by Pastor Karl Hanf (7:21). "Sing Joy to All the World" Cantata. "Tidings of Comfort and Joy!" (8:31). "A Light Shall Shine", with Linda Ickes, solo (12:40). "Prepare the Way!" (17:11). "David's Royal City" (21:16). "Glory in the Highest" (26:50). "Joy of Every Longing Heart" (30:54). "Worship Christ the Newborn King" (36:21). "Sing Joy to the World" (40:46). A Special Thank You to Barbara Teague (44:01). The Prayers of the People, by Pastor Liz Lowry (48:50). Announcements (55:51) and (1:06:52). Directed by Barbara Teague. Accompanists: Judy Hodge and Erni Orso. Narration by Pastor Mac Kelly and Alisa Limbers. Sound by David Morckel, and Video by Gary Schmandt.