8 Min Breathing To BOOST Your Energy Naturally
Awaken your mind, body, and spirit with this rhythmic breathing technique. This breathwork practice can be done whenever you need a boost of energy, to clear brain fog, to gain clarity, or instantly reduce stress and anxiety. Add this technique, or as I like to think of it - a life hack - to your toolbox for 2024 to raise your vibration, bring you into the present moment, and help you access deeper relaxation and meditation. 0:00 Introduction 1:10: Breath Practice 6:30 Meditation For more unique content, breathe with me on The Source App: https://portal.thebreathsource.app/re... Get FREE Vybeshift daily text messages by texting "VYBE" to +1 310-510-6340: https://my.community.com/vybeshift Follow me on Instagram: / vybeshift Safety Disclaimer: Roni is not liable for any losses, damages, injuries or liabilities resulting from the information in these videos. By participating in the breathing session, you accept the risk and take full responsibility for any injuries. These exercises and techniques serve as a guide, so always listen to your body and don't push yourself too far. It is normal to experience dizziness or tingling in these sessions. If you faint, it means you've gone too far so take it easy next time. Avoid practicing breathwork during pregnancy, while driving, or if you have epilepsy. If you have cardiovascular issues or other serious health conditions, consult a medical professional before starting breathwork. #wimhof #relaxing #breathe