HP Tuners and the 6L80 part SIX - TCC desired press, max press, apply ramp, reg gain and reg offset
This is the SIXTH video from a seven-part video series covering what the calibrations actually do in the 6L80/90 transmission. As you will see in the video, I have outfitted a 6L80 transmission with pressure sensors for each clutch and I recorded the pressure readings while shifting the transmission on our Superflow Dyno. I recorded baseline runs and also single modifications using HP Tuners. In this video, I show how modifying the Torque Converter Clutch tables alter the transmission pressures. This is probably the most common modification in the 6L transmission. There are many torque converter failures out there, so knowing what's going on in this transmission is important. In this video, I cover the operating of the hydraulics, electronics, and I even show you in the inner workings of the 6L80 JMBX converter. I also cover what these modifications do to the pressures in the torque converter. In the video, I summarize the results for each of these calibrations. For a full report of each shift and each clutch, access the presentations and the raw files through my website at: https://www.automotivetextbook.com You can get the free software to open these files at: www.picotech.com www.picoauto.com www.hptuners.com I will update this list of completed videos as I make them, but right now, these are the available videos in the series: Part one: Intro and what you need to know • HP Tuners and the 6L80 - What does it... Part two: HP Tuners and the 6L80 - Baseline observations • HP Tuners and the 6L80 - What does it... Part three: Max Pressure, Max Press B, Max Clutch, and Max Line: • HP Tuners & 6L80: THIRD video coveri... Part four: XYZ Pattern, Adaptive Oncoming, Adaptive Offgoing • Part 4 of the HP Tuners and the 6L80:... Part five: Torque Adder, Transition Time, and Output Torque Factor (your here!) • HP Tuners and the 6L80 - Part Five - ... Part six: HP Tuners and the 6L80 part SIX - TCC desired press, max press, apply ramp, reg gain and reg offset (you're here!) 0:00 intro 3:02 TCC Hydraulic Operation 7:32 TCC Hydraulic Valve Engineering 11:24 TCC Valve Body Layout 13:33 TCC Control Valve Pump Layout 16:08 HP Tuners TCC Variations 18:17 Scope BASELINE explaination 21:13 TCC vs Gear Overlay 22:31 HP Scanner with TCC and SLIP SPEED info 27:34 Slip tables in HP Tuners 30:52 First Mod - TCC Desired Pressure 36:54 2nd Mod - TCC Apply Ramp 42:41 Mod 3 - TCC Max Pressure 46:53 Mod 4 - TCC Regulator Gain 51:20 Mod 5 - TCC Reg Offset 56:22 Overall TCC Mods Summary 59:53 6L80 Torque Converter Teardown!