I Hired a PRO to get my First Earnings...
I Hired an Underrated Pro for FNCS! I Hired a Pro player to Carry Me in FNCS! I Hired an Underrated Pro to Carry Me in FNCS! I Carried a NOOB in FNCS! I Hired a Fortnite Pro to Carry Me in FNCS! I Carried a NOOB to his First FNCS Win! In this video, I WON FNCS! You see Fortnite hosted a tournament called the Champion Sparkplug FNCS Cup where if you come top 1,000, you win the Champion Sparkplug Skin, so my goal was to come top 1,000 .. make sure to watch till the end to see if I can WIN FNCS! edited by me Use Code: Benardoh Thumbnail Made By: https://x.com/MichaelFlopper My Socials Twitter https://x.com/Benardohfr Twitch / benardoh Other Youtube @benardoh Chapters: Intro: 0:00 game 1: 0:20 game 2: 2:56 game 3 : 7:39 game 4 : 9:57 game 5 : 13:06 Outro : 15:47