Grace United Methodist Church September 24, 2023, 11AM

Grace United Methodist Church September 24, 2023, 11AM

Grace United Methodist Church September 24, 2023, 11AM Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost $Greed$ Scriptures: John 2:13-22, Luke 12:13-21 PRELUDE – MUSIC: CARRIE LANGTON "Entrance of the Light of Christ" Worship Leader: Connie Lass Tech Team: Cheryl & Steve Pixley *indicates congregational standing. Welcome to all who are here to Worship the Lord Pastor: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you, Amen. Acknowledge the "Passing of the Peace of Christ ANNOUNCEMENTS: A TIME OF SHARING (Please let us bring the microphone to you) WORSHIP SERVICES BEGIN CALL TO WORSHIP: Connie Leader: Here, in this place, God welcomes all the dreamers, as well as the doubters: People: here, the worriers and wanderers can call on God by name. Leader: Here, in this time, we can remember all the ways God has graced us: People: here, in these moments, we are reminded that God is with us, always! Leader: Here are gathered those daring enough to step out of comfort into the unknown: People: here, in this faith space, we will find the courage to cry out, 'God, save us!' All: in every situation. Amen. *INVITATIONAL HYMN: UMH 354 “I Surrender All” verses 1-3 Grace UMC Mission Statement: "Together as Grace United Methodist Church, we glorify God, grow people of faith, and go forth to serve." Amen. Time of Prayer: Joys and Concerns (Please let us bring the microphone to you) Pastoral Prayer-Silent Prayer-Lord's Prayer A READING: Connie John 2:13-22 NRSVUE The Word of God, for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Amen. Children’s Message with: Brother John *HYMN: UMH 77 “How Great Thou Art” Congregational Response: On Screen “Psalm 112:3-5” *OFFERING OUR GIFTS: UMH 95 "Doxology" Grace Prayer of Dedication: On Screen SERMON SCRIPTURE: Connie Luke 12:13-21 NRSVUE The Word of God, for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Amen. SERMON: REV. WILLIE $$$Greed$$$ BENEDICTION / GOING FORTH WITH THE LIGHT OF CHRIST: *HYMN: UMH 170 “O How I Love Jesus” Feel Jesus abundance; never be poor, ever again