Electronics Mechanic Theory (इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मैकेनिक थ्योरी) | Neelkanth Publishers
Electronics Mechanic Theory (इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मैकेनिक थ्योरी) | Neelkanth Publishers #shorts #shortsviral #ytshorts The Book is based on latest syllabus as per NSQF Level-4 of DGT. The book is for ITI Students of Electronics Mechanic Trade.. It covers the theory part of Electronics Mechanic Trade for 2 years. The book is based upon latest exam pattern of NIMI & DGT. Follow us on - Instagram - / nkpublishers Facebook - / neelkanthpub. . Telegram - https://t.me/+IloaSGhbKF0zYTdl #electronicsmechanictheory #electronicsmechanic #itielectronics #ititradetheory #electroniccircuits #semiconductordevices #electricalengineering #electronicstheory #pcbassembly #digitalelectronics #analogelectronics #consumerelectronics #communicationsystems #microcontrollers #solderingtechniques #electronicstesting #electronicmaintenance #wiringandcabling #electronicskills #ititraining #tradeeducation #ElectronicsEducation #electroniccomponents #circuitdesign #electronicsworkshop #electronicrepairshop #ElecMechanicBook #ElectricityBasics #techtraining #electronicsystems #itistudies #electronicsskills #iticurriculum #ElectronicMaintenanceGuide #ElecMechanicTextbook #technicaleducation #electronicdevices #handsonlearning #tradeskilldevelopment #electronicsfundamentals #TradeSkills #nk #nkpublishers #neelkanthpublisher