Affinity Photo REFLECT blend mode for adding more DRAMA to your Black and White photos
Let's see how we can utilize the REFLECT blend mode in Black and White photos. The Reflect blend mode is an uncommon blend mode, however it is a very interesting blend mode, especially for black and white images. With a simple fill layer in reflect blend mode, you can very easily add more drama to your images. In this video, i will shortly explain the effect of the reflect blend mode and try the reflect blend mode on a couple of sample images. We will also have a look at a quick composition where I will use the reflect blend mode to create a high contrast image. To finish up, i will use the applied techniques in inverse to flatten an image to restore some detail. I hope you like this video, if you did, please hit the like button. If you are new to my channel, please don't forget to subscribe for more interesting content. Thank you so much for watching!