금속기물 - 마름모 엠보싱/metal vessel - rhombus embossing(#shorts)
#금속공예#기물#구리#마름모#엠보싱 #metalcraft#vessel#copper#rhombus#embossing#shorts 긴 영상 -
금속기물 - 마름모 엠보싱/metal vessel - rhombus embossing(#shorts)
금속기물 - 마름모 엠보싱(사진버전쇼츠)/metal vessel - rhombus embossing(photo version shorts)
금속기물 - 마름모 엠보싱/metal vessel - rhombus embossing
금속기물 - 마름모 문양/metal vessel - rhombus pattern(#shorts)
금속기물 - 마름모 문양/metal vessel - rhombus pattern
금속기물 - 빙글빙글/metal vessel - round and round
금속기물 - 메쉬라인/metal vessel - meshline
금속기물 - 점점 사라짐/metal vessel - fade away
망치작업 - 마름모 엠보싱/hammering - rhombus embossing(#shorts)
금속기물 - 비대칭 주름/metal vessel - asymmetric folds(#shorts)
금속기물 - 비늘 문양/metal vessel - squama pattern
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