붕어빵 7마리 천원 믿기시나요? 청량리 붕어빵집 / Koraen Fish Shaped Bread / Korean street food

붕어빵 7마리 천원 믿기시나요? 청량리 붕어빵집 / Koraen Fish Shaped Bread / Korean street food

청량리지하철 3번출구 앞에 있는 붕어빵집. 7개 천원이라는 역대급 가성비 붕어빵 입니다. 아마도 서울에서 제일 많이 주는 곳이 아닌가 싶네요.^^. The bungeoppang restaurant in front of exit 3 of Cheongnyang Subway Station. Seven thousand won is the most expensive house ever. I think it's the most popular place in Seoul.^^ It's 1,000 won for seven, so you're making a lot in advance. ▶Price: 1,000KRW ($1- 7 Fish Shaped Bread) ▶Google Map : https://goo.gl/maps/7ar2s7CV2V8otYWX8 ▶구독하기:    / @jjinfood   #붕어빵#붕어빵맛집#길거리음식