God Gave Such Power To Men — Defining Our Imagination, Language And Speech | Phaneroo Service 367

God Gave Such Power To Men — Defining Our Imagination, Language And Speech | Phaneroo Service 367

Living Above The Life Of Men — Defining Our Imagination, Language And Speech | Phaneroo Service 367 | Apostle Grace Lubega. ►Testimonies: https://phaneroo.org/testimonies ►New Converts: https://phaneroo.org/salvation ►Prayer: https://phaneroo.org/prayer ►Giving: https://phaneroo.org/give ►Download the Phaneroo App to get sermons and daily devotions: Android: https://bit.ly/phanerooandroidapp iOS: https://bit.ly/phanerooiphoneapp ►Follow Us Online: https://phaneroo.org   / phaneroo     / phanerookampala     / phanerookampala   #Phaneroo #ApostleGraceLubega