STOP Foam Rolling Your Piriformis for SCIATICA! Do THIS Instead!
✅ Want to know how we help thousands across the world resolve their sciatica and back pain with our “Centralization Process”, and receive a free demo with our staff? Click here! https://bit.ly/sciatica-youtube Join my free Facebook group for our sciatica guide! / 4660680554039248 Submit an application to work with us 1:1 and learn how to fix your low back! www.therehabfix.com/low-back-program To view hundreds of free low back videos please follow us on instagram at @rehabfix @x Sciatica refers to pain down the back of the leg following the path of the sciatica nerve. This can be caused by many things but is most commonly caused by a disc herniation pushing onto the nerve. Many people will feel this pain in their glute and assume they have a piriformis problem. A sensitive nerve does not like 2 things. Pressure or stretch. Most foam rolling positions for the piriformis do both of these things and can commonly make your sciatica worse! I don't want you making these mistakes, and instead show you 3 exercises you can do right now that are better than anything foam rolling could ever do and will actually get results!