Inviting the Lover and the Lost; Rev. Holly McKissick's Sermon - August 21, 2022
A Note from Holly: Once upon a time, I was the pastor of a church where “Back to School Sunday” rivaled Easter as the biggest day. It had fallen off, some, since my childhood days, when all the kids started in the sanctuary for singing and then were “promoted” to our new class with our new teacher. Things were different, right? There were no little league games on Sundays. By law, the stores were closed in Texas. The church had a captive audience. Everything is different…and it’s not. Kids are still the same. People of every age still long for connection and meaning. That’s what we offer in our (zoom enhanced!) one-room-schoolhouse at Peace Church . The kids can’t help but overhear the service from their little glass room. It can’t get by them that one week a rabbi speaks and the next week we talk about local control of the police department. The sacks filled with beans and rice, the table with donuts, the stick-on nametags…all of this shapes their understanding of faith. And you. Yep. It wouldn’t matter if we worshipped at Arrowhead or a cathedral in Paris. You—your lives, your cares, your loves—that’s what will leave a mark on our kids. And, on all of us, right? Because it’s crazy how we are still growing! Maybe some of it is how it’s always been and some of it is the pandemic and all the dislocation of our times, but, I see it, not just in my own life, but in the oldest members of our church. God’s not done with us yet…neither should we be. Thankful for memories of days gone by and the invitation, new every morning, to commit ourselves to building the beloved community for all. Learn more about Peace Church: https://www.peacechristianchurch.org/... Peace Church KC Peace Christian Church UCC PeaceChristianChurch.org United Church of Christ in Kansas City