Seventh Sunday after Epiphany Worship from Golden Ears United Church Maple Ridge 10am Feb 23, 2025
Join the community of Golden Ears United Church - an Affirming Christian community of faith, justice and music for our weekly worship service. Word is getting out about this man, Jesus. He is stirring up something new—an economy not built on power or privilege, but on justice and truth. He knows the weight of unheard voices, the struggle of those who persist against systems that resist change. And so he teaches, calling his followers to relentless faith, to speak truth boldly, to never lose heart. In this series, we have been exploring how God fills the six stone jars of our lives—offering abundance, purpose, healing, and vision. Today, we consider how God fills our stories with truth. In the kin-dom of God, justice is not a favor to be granted but a promise to be fulfilled. Truth is not silenced, and faith is found not just in waiting, but in refusing to give up. Here in this place, there is room for every voice. Here in this moment, we make space for the Spirit to move, filling us with truth, strength, and the courage to persist. Worship Leaders: Presiding: Rev. Leenane Shiels Music Team: Diane Lines, Sam Ellington, Estelle Cormier A/V Team: Sharon Valmont, Anne and Mitch Sanborg, Tony Chamberlist YouTube Host: Tim Killen Thank you for all the ways you continue to support our ministry you can make a donation by e-transfer from your bank account to [email protected] or through https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charit...