Living Our Best Life Prayers (A Life of Obedience)
Living Our Best Life Prayers (A Life of Obedience) Perhaps you have hesitated to obey God because you fear the consequences of your decision. But the Lord’s command is for you to fear Him above all else. The same sovereign, omnipotent God who keeps your heart beating and the planets orbiting is more than able to handle the results of your obedience. When He tells you to do something and you know without a doubt it is His will, then you need to obey based solely on who is doing the talking. When you choose to obey the Lord, He will bless you. This is because obedience always leads to blessing. Set a goal to obey the Lord and watch Him work in your life. However, if we choose to disobey it also comes with consequences. Let’s deal with ever form of disobedience in prayer that God reveals so we can truly live the BLESSED LIFE. Join us LIVE on the CLUBHOUSE APP every M-F at 7am EST