THAT WINTER THE WIND BLOWS OST Full Album | Best Korean Drama OST Part 28
#thatwinterthewindblows #thatwinterthewindblowsOST #giomuadongnamay#joinsung #songhyekyo #itsokaythatlove #fullhouse #descendantofthesun #taeyeon #snsd #theone #gummy #snowflower #yesung #superjunior #theone #awinterstory #KDramaOST 0:00And One - Taeyeon 4:15 A Winter Story - The One 8:27 Snow Flower - Gummy 11:55 Gray Paper - Ye Sung (Super Junior) 16:34 Tears Fallin' - Kim Boa (SPICA) 20:16 Tears Fallin' (Guitar.ver) - Kim Boa (SPICA) 24:15 And One (Beat) 28:29 Snow Flower (Beat) 31:56 A Winter Story (Beat) 36:09 Gray Paper (Beat) 40:48 Tears Fallin' (Beat) 44:39 Tears Fallin' (Guitar.ver - Beat)