Huge Cow Farm - How to Transport Millions Huge Cow - Modern Export Technology PENURUNAN 3 SAPI
Huge Cow Farm - How to Transport Millions Huge Cow - Modern Export Technology The growing demand for trade and exchange of livestock between places requires the freight transport industry to develop rapidly to meet the demand. So we see every day millions of livestock being transported from one place to another, each species needing to ensure its own unique conditions. So how will the world's largest giant cows be transported? We invite you to find out in this video! How to transport the largest cows in the world Transporting large sized cows will put more pressure on the transporters than usual. Therefore, the means of transport should be focused on ensuring safety and hygiene. Meet animal welfare standards. David Farm: All about agriculture contents will be updated here If You are the Owner, please send me a comment on the video. I will follow Your request as soon as read. Thank You very much! All video and image content materials are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. license on condition that all copies and redistributions are fully credited in the description. If You (Owner) want to remove this video, please contact us directly before doing anything. We will respectfully remove it. #cow #cattle #farm #agriculture #agriculturetechnolory #davidfarm American Brahman bull roaming around the farm GAK MASUK AKAL!! PEMUDA INI TERNAK DOMBA RAKSASA SULTAN SEHARGA RATUSAN JUTA #kingofthejungle Thanks ya udah nonton video ini ! Like dan comment kalian berharga banget buat gue! jangan lupa juga share video ini supaya berguna buat orang banyak! Terimakasih! Salam King Of The Jungle!! YANG KITA SEMUA TUNGGU !! PENURUNAN 3 SAPI R4KSASA DARI TRUK MBOIS Video lainnya : Geger 1 Kampung !! Proses jemput 3 sapi jumbo • BIKIN GEG3R 1 KAMPUNG !! PROSES JEMPU... 3 Sapi Jumbo Sudah Terboking untuk Qurban • QURBAN MASIH LAMA !! 3 SAPI JUMBO SUD... Timbang sapi Po terbesar di kandang • AGAK LAIN NIH !! KELUARGA KANDANG SAM... 3 Sapi baru ! ada yang mirip Grandong • MIRIP GRANDONG GA NIH !? 3 SAPI BARU ... Sapi 1 Ton - Limousin Ganteng • N4KAL TAPI MEMBANGGAKAN !! Sapi Jumbo... Jemput 4 Ekor Sapi !! Yang 2 malah ngamuk gaes :D • JEMPUT 4 EKOR SAPI !! YANG 2 NG4MUK S... Sapi lepas ngamuk & marah obrak-abrik kandang • BELUM LAMA DI DATANG !! SAPI JUMBO IN... H4rga kambing ini bisa buat bangun kandang sapi • HERAN.. H4RGA KAMBING INI BISA BUAT B... Informasi lebih lanjut : #SetiaFarm #Sapi #monster TIPS CARA MEMILIH PEDET CALON 1 TON #sapi #revandolankandang #sapimonster #sapiraksasa #sapisuper #sapijumbo #sapiextrim #kumpulansapi #kandang #sapiqurban #ngamuk #pedet #kambingjumbo #kambing #kambingterbesar yg ingin di liput kandangnya : revan dolan kandang audrey,audrey a,kingofthejungle Kambing Lucu Sapi Lucu Kambing Joget Sapi Ngamuk Kambing Embek-embek Sapi Joget Kambing Kawin sapi Moo KAMBING LUCU KAMBING KEPALA KAMBING SAPI KURBAN KAMBING LAGU KAMBING GOAT VIDEO GOAT FARM kambing kurban lagu kambing lagu caca marica hehe cow video goat videos funny