Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dominion Malta Expansion Campaign Walkthrough (No Commentary) | Part 8

Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dominion Malta Expansion Campaign Walkthrough (No Commentary) | Part 8

Jurassic World Evolution 2 Campaign Malta DLC Walkthrough Gameplay Playthrough [No Commentary] Mission 4: San Albertus Peninsula. If you enjoyed the video, please leave a Like, Subscribe or Share with your friends! Walkthrough by Ryan (SpottinGames) on the PC in 1080p 60fps HD. Jurassic World Evolution 2: https://bit.ly/JWE-2 Jurassic World Evolution 2 Live Stream: https://bit.ly/JWE2-LS Jurassic World Evolution 2 | Species Field Guide: https://bit.ly/JWE2-SFG Jurassic World Evolution DLC - Secrets of Dr. Wu: http://bit.ly/JWE-dlc Jurassic World Evolution DLC - Secrets of Dr. Wu w/ Commentary: http://bit.ly/JWE-Com Jurassic World Evolution: http://bit.ly/JurassicEvo Jurassic Park: The Game: http://bit.ly/JP-Game LEGO Jurassic World: http://bit.ly/LEGO_JW Disneyland Paris Rides: http://bit.ly/DLP-Rides Disneyland Paris Parades & Shows: http://bit.ly/DLP-Shows Disneyland Paris Vlog: http://bit.ly/DLP-Vlog Disneyland Paris Vlog (No Commentary): http://bit.ly/DLP-NC Disneyland Paris Through the Years: http://bit.ly/DLP-Old Disneyland Paris Shops: https://bit.ly/DLP-Shops Summer Game Fest 2022: https://bit.ly/SGF-22 VR playlist: http://bit.ly/VR-gameplay Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life (Pirates of the Caribbean): http://bit.ly/SoT-PotC Hauls: https://bit.ly/Haul-vids All Cutscenes [Movies]: http://bit.ly/allcutscenes Compilation of all the GAME DEATH SCENES: http://bit.ly/gamedeaths Subscribe to my YouTube Gaming Channel 'SpottinGames'! - http://bit.ly/subspot ********************************************* ● Watch me play live on Twitch - http://bit.ly/realSpottinGames ● My Discord Server -   / discord   ● Facebook Profile - http://bit.ly/ryankoorn ● Facebook Page - http://bit.ly/1UVX71c ● Instagram account for behind the scenes - http://bit.ly/1RPp7n0 ● My Instagram account where I post pictures of games/lego and more.. - http://bit.ly/IG-Ryan ---------------------------------------­­---------------------------- Thank you for watching! =D #JurassicJune #JurassicWorld #jurassicworldevolution2