The Sin Offering: Atonement for Unintentional Sin – Leviticus 4 Explained
How did Israel deal with unintentional sin? In Leviticus 4, we witness God’s instructions for the sin offering, which provided atonement for mistakes made unknowingly: ✅ The Purpose of the Sin Offering – This offering was required for sins committed unknowingly or by accident. It emphasized that sin, even if unintentional, separates us from God and requires atonement. ✅ Who Had to Offer a Sacrifice? – The High Priest’s Sin → A young bullock was sacrificed, its blood sprinkled inside the Tabernacle. The Whole Congregation’s Sin → Also required a bullock, showing that corporate sin must be dealt with. A Leader’s Sin → A male goat was sacrificed. A Common Person’s Sin → A female goat or lamb was offered, allowing everyone to seek forgiveness. ✅ The Ritual Process – The offerer laid hands on the animal, transferring the guilt of their sin. The priest sprinkled the blood before the veil and applied it to the horns of the altar. The remaining blood was poured at the base of the altar. The fat was burned, but the body of the animal was taken outside the camp and burned. ✅ A Foreshadowing of Jesus Christ – Jesus is our sin offering (2 Corinthians 5:21). Just as the animal was taken outside the camp, Jesus was crucified outside the city (Hebrews 13:12). His blood atones for all sins, providing full forgiveness for those who believe. This chapter reveals the seriousness of sin, the need for atonement, and how Jesus is the perfect sin offering. If you want to understand the depth of God’s forgiveness, this chapter is a must-watch! 🙌 #Leviticus4,#TheSinOffering,#AtonementForSin