5-26-24 Sermon - "Get A Life" by Pastor Mark (John 3:1-17) (Trinity Sunday)
SERMON - "Get A Life" (John 3:1-17) by Pastor Mark Sunday, May 26, 2024 00:00:00 Sermon Graphic 00:00:02 VIDEO: “Making Life Alive: A Prayer by Saint Hildegard of Bigen” 00:03:02 SERMON by Pastor Mark: "Get A Life" (John 3:1-17) 01:03:44 May we...* To join us online or in person, send us an email or contact us through our website. *May we get a life a new life, animated by the Spirit. Cleansed and purified by the Spirit. May we accept and receive a new heart shaped, formed and fashioned by God the Spirit. May we live born from above. May we be born again. Please SUBSCRIBE to Cornerstone's Channel!!! Cornerstone Community Church of Lemon Grove www.cornerstonecommunityonline.org [email protected] a congregation of Grace Communion International www.gci.org CCLI License # 2020941 Streaming License # 2039794 VIDEO CREDITS “Making Life Alive: A Prayer by Saint Hildegard of Bigen” video was purchased and used with permission by www.workofthepeople.com. CCLI License # 2020941 Streaming License # 2039794