NEW Weapon Balancing and Bug Fixes | Call of Duty: Vanguard
NEW Weapon Balancing and Bug Fixes. This is what its come to. With so little content to be made for Call of Duty: Vanguard right now, patch notes even get us excited. And we just learned about some new changes coming to Vanguard in the coming days. Fixes for the Panzerfaust camo challenges, nerfs to the shotguns and the Mortar Barrage and more weapon balancing are all expected to be a part of the next set of patch notes released for Vanguard. Still, no news about Season 1 Reloaded as it seems that Sledgehammer wants to get out ahead of the problems that plagued the game during their break before adding new content. We also have yet to hear anything from Treyarch about the future of Vanguard Zombies. Become a member of the Last Gen, Ultimis, Primis or Zombie Richtofen tiers to gain access to emotes and behind the scenes content: / @spesh Check out TubeBuddy for FREE to help grow your Youtube channel! https://www.tubebuddy.com/Spesh Get the cheapest stream overlays, emotes and more from our friends at Own3d: https://link.xsolla.com/iHnpCaOZ ❤Helps us grow to 2,000 Subscribers! https://youtube.com/channel/UCjNH2XZC... ❤ 🎬 Twitch: Twitch.tv/Spesh27🎬 📱Discord! / discord 📱 👕 Official Tiki Team Merch https://my-store-a7b887.creator-sprin... 🤜 Add me as an Activision Friend! Spesh#8819433 🤛 Follow Deathwish over on Soundcloud for even more BANGER music found in the videos! / cmdr-deathwish. .