AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C: Mech (Part 26: Moment of Inertia) | Office Hours with Al

AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C: Mech (Part 26: Moment of Inertia) | Office Hours with Al

We used this stream to look more closely at the concepts of center of mass and moment of inertia. We went over some intuition for center of mass and how it behaves when an object is rotating. For moment of inertia, we looked at multiple objects and/or arrangements of objects and tried to make sense of the moment of inertia formula for each case, then introduced the parallel axis theorem without proof (the proof will be saved for the calculus-based revisit of this topic for the C: Mech students). We concluded with some examples involving moment of inertia, torque, and angular acceleration. See the course plan here: https://www.althetutor.com/physics1co... |Chapters| 0:00 Plans for the Day 5:57 Homework Questions from Last Time 49:48 Velocity of the Center of Mass Remains Constant in a Collision 57:18 Center of Mass and the Stability of Objects 1:17:17 Centers of Mass Outside of an Object 1:25:46 The Center of Mass is a Balancing Point (Egg Carton Demonstration) 1:31:59 Strategies for Guessing the Location Center of Mass 1:37:25 Moment of Inertia Basics 1:44:33 Understanding Moment of Inertia Formulas for Various Shapes 1:58:01 Approximating Moment of Inertia for a Rod Through its End 2:06:56 Finding Moment of Inertia for a Rod Through Any Axis 2:19:18 The Parallel Axis Theorem 2:47:28 Moving Away from Center of Mass Always Increases Moment of Inertia 3:10:30 Example: Reeling in a Fish 3:25:22 Example: Pulling a Merry-go-Round with a Rope 3:38:00 Reminder on When to Treat Objects as Point Masses 3:41:41 Homework and Final Comments