Kyriakos Christophorou Gregoriou Funeral Service Live Stream
In Loving Memory of Kyriakos Christophorou Gregoriou Date of birth : 01/06/1969 Date of death: 03/03/2025 Live streamed from the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, 37 Lynnwood Rd, Brooklyn, Pretoria, on Wednesday, 12 March 2025, at 11:00, RSA time. The Live Stream will be permanently available for you to view at anytime and via this link. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For all event Live Streaming Inquiries: Events For Africa Alex Kotsis Tel: +27 82 257 1477 Website: www.EventsForAfrica.com Email: [email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trouble Shooting The Live Stream: Option 1: Google Search Kyriakos Christophorou Gregoriou Funeral Service Live Stream Option 2: YouTube Search Kyriakos Christophorou Gregoriou Funeral Service Live Stream ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeing and Saving the comments after the Live Stream: Step 1: Open the Live Stream on a PC or Mac. Step 2: Press play on the live stream and move the red cursor across the time line to the middle or the end of the live stream. Step 3: All the comments should display on the right and in the comments section. Step 4: Scroll up and down to read all the comments. (50 Comments are displayed before the new ones come in, so you would need to stop at half way to see the earlier comments before moving to the end of the live stream to see that later ones) To Save The Comments: With your mouse, Click and Highlight all the comments, from top to bottom, then right click copy and paste into a word document or email on your desktop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watching on your TV: YouTube: Click on the Live Stream Link and wait for the stream to open, Tap on the TV connect image on the top right of the YouTube mobile app and connect to your TV. On your TV launch the YouTube App, then open the YouTube app on your phone or tablet. In the mobile app, tap your icon (top right corner of the YouTube app home screen) and then hit settings, Now tap "Watch on TV" If previously paired, your TV will start playing YouTube right away, If not already paired, a numeric code will appear on the TV, Type it into the app to link your TV. Facebook: Step 1: Go to the App store of your television platform and download the Facebook Watch TV app. Step 2: Open the app, select Log In, then Continue. Step 3: You'll see a screen with an 8-digit code, You'll need this code to continue. Step 4: On your computer or mobile device, go to www.facebook.com/device and put in the 8-digit code and Click Continue. Step 5: After a moment, your Facebook Watch TV app will refresh and then you will be all set to watch live videos. Step 6: Tap on the TV connect image on the top right of the Kyriakos Christophorou Gregoriou Funeral Service Live Stream on your mobile device to connect to your SMART TV. Now you can enjoy YouTube / Facebook Live on the television, and full control of videos with your phone or tablet. We thank you for understanding and for sharing the service with us. Time Codes: 00:00