What do Southerners eat on New Year's Day?

What do Southerners eat on New Year's Day?

00:00 - What do Southerners eat on New Year's Day? 00:34 - Can you wash your hair on New Year's Day? 01:02 - Why do we kiss on New Years? 01:34 - Why do Southerners eat black eyed peas on New Year's Day? Laura S. Harris (2021, January 24.) What do Southerners eat on New Year's Day? AskAbout.video/articles/What-do-Southerners-eat-on-New-Year-s-Day-214294 ---------- Our mission is to create educational content. Therefore, we also explored this topic from a scientific point of view. When judging the content, keep in mind that the scientific presentation of the topic requires a broad perspective which may be hurtful to some people.