Type in the comments: "I DO NOT CHASE, I ATTRACT! What belongs to me will come to me without hardship & without pain. What I attract will stay with me." Make him totally obsessed over you. Very powerful love frequency to make your special person fall in love with you and think about you all the time. Listen at least for 21 days for maximum effects. Everything in life is vibration, and telepathy is real. Remember, what you focus on, expands. To get the full benefits out of these sessions it is imperative that you read and follow a few simple instructions first. 1. Find a place to lie down and relax in where you wonβt be disturbed. 2. Listen to with headphones on. 3. Try to listen to the session twice a day. The best times are before you sleep at night and on waking in the morning. 4. Try to create in your mind positive visualizations of what you want. This will make the sessions more effective. 5. Use everyday twice a day for a period of 3 weeks. After that - as little or as often as you need. Come back to share your experience after manifesting his obsession! #subliminal #manifestyourcrush #LOA #manifest #LOVE #crush #makehim #obsessed ATTRACT A REAL AND PURE RELATIONSHIP! CAUTION: DO NOT LISTEN IF YOU ARE NOT 100% SERIOUS OR PREPARED TO GET 100% ATTENTION! Make Him Text You Today. Make Man Obsess Over You & Manifest A Text While Boosting Your Own Self Esteem And Self Worth. With this powerful subliminal music, it will manifest the love you want from your desired person... It will open and expand their consciousness Don't forget to Subscribe, Like, Share & hit the notifications bell for more THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT: π manifest anything you want extremely fast; π manifest good things into your life effortlessly; π shape your life to your exact desires; π manifest with ease people, places, things and situations; π become a master at law of attraction; π completely master manifestation; π only manifest good things; π manifest anything you truly desire; π NO intrusive thoughts; π attract your desires the easy way ; π extremely fast results from subliminals; π remove limiting beliefs; π be aligned with your desires; π have self love and gratitude; π always be happy and positive; π have high vibrations; π have complete control over your life; π truly have reign over what happens in your life; π live your life exactly the way you want; π you have always had what the things you manifesting; π you work together with the universe to achieve results; π your desires instantly become a reality; π only manifest positive desires; π easily visualize in high detail; π become a master at scripting; π instantly remove all negative thoughts; π know everything will have a positive outcome; π remove all limiting beliefs; πanything preventing you from manifesting is removed; π completely master your reality and everything inside; π manifest things effortlessly ; π all good things you desire are manifested instantly; π everything you truly want is instantly manifested; π see signs that your desires are becoming reality; π all your desires have already manifested; π your desires are reality as they always have been; π be in a healthy mental state; π manifest anything in literal days; π you believe your desires are possible ; π easily detach to manifest your goals; π have patience in your goals; π know you will manifest your desires; π know that you can do literally anything; π have unwavering belief in the universe; π have extreme belief that your desires will manifest; π manifest your desires whatever the size; π change anything in your reality ; π have the power to change literally anything; π become immune to all doubts your manifestations; π permanent results; π fast subliminal results manifestation π manifestation music π soulmates π spirituality π crush π divine π divine feminine π divine masculine π enlightenment π intuitive π spirit guides π love π chakra π law of attraction π higher self π love π guidance π 432 Hz + 639 Hz π twin flames reunion π 432 Hz + 639 Hz twin souls manifestation π attraction π 432 Hz frequency meditation π 432 Hz frequency sleep music π 639 Hz heart chakra frequency meditation π sleep music π 432 Hz π 639 Hz π heart chakra π twin flame sleep music π activation π twin flame meditation activation π twin flame mediation activation music π intuitive π psychic π love π soulmate π enlightenment π manifestation π divine love π manifest π healing π chakras π energy π fate π destiny π karma π miracles π asmr π friend π crush π ex π life path π intention π purpose π soul path π life lessons π journey π mission π twin flame energy π twin flame connection π karmic π karmic twin flame π twin flames in separation π twin flames collective π twin flame separation π karmic love π wild soul π twin flame communication π twin flame union π telepathic communication