46 Best Sun Tzu's Quotes | The Life Battles | Better For Known When Youth to Not Regret in Old Age

46 Best Sun Tzu's Quotes | The Life Battles | Better For Known When Youth to Not Regret in Old Age

46 Best Sun Tzu's Quotes | Lessons Form The Life Battles | Better For Known When Youth to Not Regret in Old Age Who Sun Tzu? Sun Tzu was a Chinese military general who lived in the 6th century BC. The Art of War, a treatise on military strategy (also known as The Thirteen Chapters), was written by c. 500 BCE) a Chinese military strategist and general. He was a member of one of the Hundred Schools of Ideas' military preparedness philosophy systems, The School of the Military, which promoted military preparedness in maintaining peace and social order (formally or as an influence). Scholars and historians argue over the existence of his supposed contemporary Lao-Tzu (l.) in the same way they debate whether an individual named Sun-Tzu existed. The Taoist philosopher, around 500 BCE. Tag: sun tzu,the art of war,art of war,best quotes from the art of war,how to win every battle,war,audiobook,philosophy,book,warfare,china,military,treatise,strategy,battlefield,master,sun tzus the art of war explained,how to win,success,business,taoism,laotzu,laozi,confucius,the art of war (book),sun tzu (author),art of war summary,the art of war sun tzu,sun tzu the art of war motivational quotes,inspiration,quotes,sun tzu art of war quotes,suntzuartofwar,quotesaboutlife,motivationquotes,friendshipquotes,chinese quotes,chinese motivatiion,quotes about life,quotes about change,quotes about love,motivation,chinese inspiration,chinese general,inspiration quotes,powerful quotes sun tzu quotes,sun tzu,sun tsu,sun tsu quotes,sun tzu art of war,sun tzu art of war quotes,art of war quotes,art of war,the art of war,best art of war quotes,greatest art of war quotes,top art of war quotes,top sun tzu quotes,top ten sun tzu quotes,sun tzu art of war quotes leadership,sun tzu quotes audio,the art of war best quotes,best quotes from the art of war,sun tzu best quote,warfare quotes,motivational quotes,success quotes,war quotes Nonetheless, the fact that there is a work called The Art of War and that it has had such an impact since its publication demonstrates that someone existed to create it, and tradition holds that it was written by one Sun-Tzu.