Should You Play Doom 2016 Before Doom Eternal ? - DadDude
Doom Eternal has been all the rage over the past few weeks since its release, and a lot of people are also currently playing Doom 2016 to get caught up. Maybe you never played Doom or didn't finish the game before. You may be asking yourself, "Should I play Doom 2016 before Doom Eternal?" In this video I attempt to answer that question from a few different angles. Find great deals on games while supporting this channel and other great causes at https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?... Check out my Teespring store https://bit.ly/2XORSYM Want to make videos like me on a budget? Here's what I use... Webcam for $60-ish: https://amzn.to/3asLWrF Microphone for $30-ish: https://amzn.to/2vwgUAb Free recording software: https://obsproject.com/ Free video editing software: https://shotcut.org/ Free image editing software for thumbnails: https://www.gimp.org/ Thanks for watching! #Doom #Doom2016 #DoomEternal