Traditional Worship -   03-26-2023

Traditional Worship - 03-26-2023

Sanctuary – 11:00 am March 26, 2023 Fifth Sunday of Lent Let us know you're here by following this link to check in. Gathering Trumpet Concerto by Alexander Arutiunian (1920-2012) Gavin Granados, TAMUCC student artist *Call to Worship Rev. Lisa Rush *Processional Hymn “Great God of Every Blessing” AURELIA WORDS: David Gambrell, 2009 MUSIC: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 *Unison Prayer of Confession Camille André Greeting & Announcements Pastor Jason Surdy *Passing of the Peace A Moment for Children Chéri Heldstab *Scripture Reading Camille Andre Luke 17:11-19 Message Rev. Lisa Rush “Gratitude” The Great Thanksgiving Pastor Jason Surdy The Lord’s Prayer “Where’er You Walk” by George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) Dr. Mary Thornton, music department chair Offering Chéri Heldstab “Built on the Rock” by Gordon Young *Doxology UMH 94 *Discipleship Opportunities Pastor Jason Surdy Phone: 361-884-0391 Email: [email protected] *Discipleship Hymn “Give Thanks” FWS 2036 WORDS and MUSIC: Henry Smith © Integrity Hosanna! Music, 1978 *Dismissal and Benediction Rev. Lisa Rush Going Forth Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring arr. by Frank Campbell-Watson Melinda Dunagan & Gavin Granados, trumpets Dr. Mary Thornton, music department chair WORSHIP LEADERS Pastor: Rev. Pamela Dykehouse (sabbatical leave) Associate Pastor: Pastor Jason Surdy Director of Children and Family Ministry: Chéri Heldstab Director of Youth: Camille André Director of Worship, Music & the Arts: Paul Erickson Audio-Visual Technicians: Nathan Verdin and Trevor Davis, TAMUCC Intern CCLI License #831065 CCLI Streaming #20183513