Renovation of the Heart: Can These Dry Bones Live | Online Worship - Traditional (03-26-2023)
Thanks for joining us for our Online Traditional Service! Today in Worship, we continue our sermon series, “Renovation of the Heart.” Each year, during Lent, we are invited to draw closer to God as we follow Jesus to the cross and the resurrection. Using Jesus as the blueprint, we invite the Holy Spirit to renovate our hearts so that we might become more like him. Today, we will consider whether we truly can experience new life by hearing from the prophet Ezekiel who prophesies to the dry bones to live. In all of the dry and dead places in our lives, God desires to bring us back to life, and to help us experience new life in Jesus’ resurrection. As we draw closer to Easter, we can see how God is working to bring us new life, both personally and corporately. Here is a snapshot of today's service: Pre-Service Music Chiming of the Hour Organ Prelude: “Adagio from Toccata and Fugue in C major” - Johann Sebastian Bach Welcome & Announcements Choral Introit: "In the Garden," Men's Quartet Responsive Call to Worship Processional Hymn: "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" (Hymnal #384) Prayer of Confession and Words of Pardon Pastoral Prayer, Lord's Prayer, Offering Prayer Offertory: "Pie Jesu," from Requiem, by Andrew Lloyd Webber Presentation of the Offering: Doxology #95 Renovation of the Heart: Can These Dry Bones Live: Ezekiel 37:1-14 Closing Hymn: "I Sing the Almighty Power of God" (Hymnal #152) Benediction Postlude: “Meditations on ‘What Wondrous Love is This’” - Tom Taylor