사피엔스 229강

사피엔스 229강

[친해영tv] 229강 p 202 1/4 Barley money was simply barley fixed amounts of barley grains used as a universal measure for evaluating and exchanging all other goods and services / The most common measurement was the sila, equivalent to roughly one litre / Standardised bowls, each capable of containing one sila, were mass-produced so that whenever people needed to buy or sell anything, it was easy to measure the necessary amounts of barley / Salaries, too, were set and paid in silas of barley equivalent to: "~와 동등한, 해당하는" 실라(sila)는 고대 메소포타미아에서 사용된 부피 측정 단위로, 약 1리터에 해당합니다 이 단위는 주로 곡물, 특히 보리의 양을 측정하는 데 사용되었습니다 '실라'라는 용어의 어원은 아카드어에서 유래한 것으로 추정되며, 정확한 어원에 대한 명확한 기록은 부족하지만, 당시의 언어와 문화적 맥락에서 비롯된 것으로 보입니다 229강 p 202 2/4 A male labourer earned sixty silas a month, a female labourer thirty silas / A foreman could earn between 1,200 and 5,000 silas / Not even the most ravenous foreman could eat 5,000 litres of barley a month, but he could use the silas he didn't eat to buy all sorts of other commodities - oil, goats, slaves, and something else to eat besides barley fore·man [fɔ́ːrmǝn] n (pl -men [-mǝn]) (노동자의) 십장(什長), 직장(職長), 공장장, 감독; 배심장(陪審長) rav·en·ous [rǽvənǝs] ɑ 게걸스럽게 먹는; 몹시 굶주린, 탐욕스러운 229강 p 202 3/4 Even though barley has intrinsic value, it was not easy to convince people to use it as money rather than as just another commodity / In order to understand why, just think what would happen if you took a sack full of barley to your local shopping centre, and tried to buy a shirt or a pizza / The vendors would probably call security / Still, it was somewhat easier to build trust in barley as the first type of money, because barley has an inherent biological value / Humans can eat it *in·her·ent [inhíərǝnt] ɑ 본래부터 가지고 있는, 고유의, 본래의, 타고난; 선천적인《in》 229강 p 202 4/4 On the other hand, it was difficult to store and transport barley / The real breakthrough in monetary history occurred when people gained trust in money that lacked inherent value, but was easier to store and transport / Such money appeared in ancient Mesopotamia in the middle of the third millennium BC / This was the silver shekel break·through [bréikθrùː] n 〖군사〗 적진 돌파(작전), 돌파구; (과학·기술 등의) 획기적인 약진〔진전, 발견〕, (계획·외교 등의) 성공, 타결 #사피엔스 #spiens #유발하라리 #윔피키드 #wimpykid #친해영tv #친해영 #해바영어 #해바화상영어 #필리핀화상영어 #필리핀영어 #쉬운영어 #직독직해 #영어독해 #영어듣기 #영어원서읽기 #영어공부 #박치동 #haevaenglish #영어원서번역