Cost of raising a child nearly a quarter-million dollars, study finds

Cost of raising a child nearly a quarter-million dollars, study finds

Most people would say raising children is expensive, but some might be shocked to learn just how much you actually spend to get them to age 18. Check out more Eyewitness News - Find us on social media: FACEBOOK:   / abc7ny   INSTAGRAM:   / abc7ny   TWITTER:   / abc7ny   TIKTOK:   / abc7ny   We’re abc7NY, also known as Channel 7 and WABC-TV on TV, home to Eyewitness News, New York’s Number 1 news. We hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! NEW TIPS: Online: Email: [email protected] About WABC-TV: #nyc #news #breakingnews #family #childcare #parenting