Top 10 ANGRY Celebrity Reactions To Family Guy Parodies

Top 10 ANGRY Celebrity Reactions To Family Guy Parodies

Top 10 ANGRY Celebrity Reactions To Family Guy Parodies Comedy is something that is very much subjective. After all, what might be funny to one person might be labeled as "raunchy" or something else to another. One comedian might be hilarious to someone, while another will find them "blah". And then there are shows that are meant to be overly comedic like Family Guy. The show that has survived cancelation so many times it's its own joke. But with all the time that it has had, they've never been afraid to poke fun at celebrities, and as a result, some celebrities have actually reacted to their portrayals. We'll break it down for you, be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel! Click HERE To Enter The GIVEAWAY!    / @macytalksyt   And there you have it, everyone! A look at the celebs who saw their portrayals on Family Guy and wasn't afraid to have a lighthearted reaction to it! Which of these reactions were the best in your mind? Do you hope that Family Guy gets more celebs to react to their portrayals? And what celeb would you personally want to go see on Family Guy? Let us know in the comments below, be sure to subscribe and we'll see you next time on the channel! You are not required to comment to win the giveaway distributed in the video. It is ONLY a recommendation. You must have a twitter under the same username of youtube in order to qualify to get in contact with you. For more information on giveaways refer to youtube’s contest policies: