The harsh reality of ultra-processed food - with Chris Van Tulleken (use of artificial sweeteners)

The harsh reality of ultra-processed food - with Chris Van Tulleken (use of artificial sweeteners)

I’ve recently come across this video on YouTube which I feel may be of importance to so many others. Especially those people who now have liver cirrhosis and who are now insulin resistant and have type 2 diabetes. Control of their diabetes can be hard, and they may well be doing more harm than good when using artificial sweeteners. This video is by, “The Royal Institution of Science”, and was performed on the 26th of October 2023 by Dr Chris Van Tulleken (twin brother of TV Doctor Xand). I have posted this video twice. Firstly in its entirety and secondly featuring a section explaining the lesser-known dangers of Diet Coke and other so-called diet and zero-sugar soda drinks. Those people who are now using artificial sweeteners should take heed. I’m posting these videos purely for information and to raise awareness, as I believe this message is so important.