HOW I LOST  24 POUNDS on the MASTER CLEANSE!!! DOWN 7 pounds in 7 days

HOW I LOST 24 POUNDS on the MASTER CLEANSE!!! DOWN 7 pounds in 7 days

BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY DAY 1-15 MASTER CLEANSE VIDEOS on my Master Cleanse Playlist - I talk through all the things that made sticking to the cleanse for 21 days easier and how I lost 40 pounds in 60 days without exercising! Welcome back to my master cleanse journey - update 7lbs down in 7 days! Tips that will help you complete the Master Cleanse successfully! This popular diet is also known as the Lemonade Diet. I recently lost 25lbs on 17 days of the master cleanse…this round I’m hoping to complete 21 days and lose an additional 20lbs. Join me on my 21 day weight loss journey! Add me on facebook @Shonda Lifedaily where I'll be doing live videos daily to show my progress and discuss how the day went! #mastercleanse #lemonadediet #cleanse Thumbs up if you liked this video! // Helpful Products // WholeFoods Market, online ordering and delivery. Maple Syrup: Cayenne Pepper: Non-Iodized Sea Salt (such as Pink Himalayan sea salt): Lemon Press. This is what I bought and love it!: Measuring Spoons: Organic Smooth Move Laxative Tea: Fat Straw. Helps to Drink the Salt Water Flush: