Second Sunday in Ordinary Time| 18 January 2025| 4:30 p.m. Mass | St Cecelia

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time| 18 January 2025| 4:30 p.m. Mass | St Cecelia

Reprinted/podcast/streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-729177. All rights reserved. Gather the People #87214 Words and Music - ©2004 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: Dan Schutte Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador - Glory to God #30102393 Words and Music - ©2007,2009,2010 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: Dan Schutte, International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds to All the Nations #106998 Words and Music - ©1969,1977,1981,1990,1997 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: Owen Alstott, International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) Alleluia No. VII #84611 Music - ©1977,1990 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: Owen Alstott Glory and Praise to Our God #80402 Words and Music - ©1976 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: Dan Schutte Behold the Lamb #81512 Words and Music - ©1984 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: Martin Willett Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador - Holy #30102396 Words and Music - ©2007,2009,2010 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: Dan Schutte, International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador - When We Eat This Bread #30102399 Words and Music - ©2007,2009,2010 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL), Dan Schutte Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador - Amen #30102401 Words and Music - ©2007,2009 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: Dan Schutte Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador - Lamb of God #30102402 Words and Music - ©2007,2009 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: Dan Schutte 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Communion Antiphon [ii] #30146338 Words and Music - ©2010,2020 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: Curtis Stephan, Sarah Hart, Steve Angrisano God, We Praise You #91017 Words - ©1982 Jubilate Group, The Contributors: Christopher Idle The Body of Christ #30145853 Words and Music - ©2019,2020 Oregon Catholic Press Contributors: Sarah Hart O God , Almighty Father #105615 Words and Music - ©1959, 1977 Liturgical Press Contributors: GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN