Coldplay - ALL MY LOVE (A Film For The Future)

Coldplay - ALL MY LOVE (A Film For The Future)

Coldplay - ALL MY LOVE (A Film For The Future) Taken from A Film For The Future, the 44-minute visual companion to Coldplay's tenth studio album Moon Music, available here: 🌙 The film premieres worldwide here on YouTube on January 22, with special 360-degree screenings of the film taking place at Lightroom in London, Manchester and Seoul. Tickets on sale now at A fan-led remix site for the film, powered by Microsoft AI, will also launch at Credits by section: 1. Jake Fried: IG/Twitter: @jakejfried - Link: 2. Phoebe McCaughley: Instagram: @phoebestopmotion Scale Model Studios Jennifer Kidd Jennifer Kidd: @jennifer__kidd/ Instagram: @scalemodelstudios_ 3. Natasza Cetner: Instagram: @natcet Scale Model Studios Jennifer Kidd Jennifer Kidd: @jennifer__kidd/ Instagram: @scalemodelstudios_ 4. Kyber Raja and Ella Collins: Instagram: @kyber0114 - TikTok @kyberfilms 5. Alice Kunisué: Instagram: @alice_kunisue Animation collaborator: Nestor Benedini Creative collaborator: Arsène Boutemy 6. Victor Chen & Steve Huang: Created by Victor Chen @vict0rchen & Steve Huang @talent7711 7. Laura Jennifer White: Instagram: @loops.w Scale Model Studios Jennifer Kidd Jennifer Kidd: @jennifer__kidd/ Instagram: @scalemodelstudios_ Facebook: @scalemodelstudios X: @model_scale Threads: @scalemodelstudios_ TikTok: @scalemodelstudios 8. Teemu: Instagram: @teemu.jpeg Model: Summer @summereunann 9. Rachael Olga Lloyd: Instagram: @rachaelolgalloyd Scale Model Studios Jennifer Kidd Jennifer Kidd: @jennifer__kidd/ Instagram: @scalemodelstudios_ 10. Harvey Pearson: Director - Harvey Pearson (@harvpearson) - 11. Ethan & Tom: Directors - Ethan & Tom @et.hanz & @tomgullam Head of Music Videos - Lauren Mills @lauren.thrills Producer - Charlie Scannell @cheswick_ Production Manager - Camilla Morris @camillamorris Runner - Zack Appleyard @zzappleyard Director of Photography - Thom Neal @thomneal 1st AC - Nacho Muñoz de León @nacho__1986 2nd AC - Dimi Vakrilov @dimi_vakrilov_ DIT - Elliot Chyi @elliotino Gaffer - Ryan Delahunty @ryandelahunty91 Electrician - Jake Buckley Art Director - Harry Beedle @harrybeedle Art Assistant - Sparrow Knox @sparrowknox Editor - Liv Ay @livaysoa Edit House - Trim Editing @trimediting Editor Producer - Pia Ebrill @piaebrill Colourist - Connor Coolbear @cjcoolbear Post House - Electric Theatre Collective @electric_theatre_collective Post Producer - George Bloomey Paramedic - Keith Middleton Catering - Tanya 12. Marcos Sánchez: Animator: Marcos Sánchez @sanchez._.marcos Not To Scale - Insta: @nottoscalehq   / not-to-scale     / nottoscalehq   13. Chris Ullens: Instagram: @chris.ullens - Website: 14. Monica Carter: Production Company: The Maestros - @themaestrostv CEO: Enrique Nava Director: Mónica G. Carter - @monicagonzalezcarter Head of Production Global: Antonio Acosta - @antonioaco Head of Production Mexico: Antonio Garrido - @g4rr1do Executive Producers: Alejandro Beristain @abers94, Misus Ricalde @misusricalde, Luis Medrano @rck_dckard Executive Production Coordinator: Andrea Vázquez Director of Photography: Miguel Zetina @miguelzetina @fernandavelascoa Assistant Director: Vania Cueto @vcueto Line Producer: Jerónimo Gómez Escalante @jerog22 Additional Photography: Riguel García @rigelgarcia Production Designer: Fede Cantu @kn2 Makeup & Styling: Fernanda Velasco Location Manager: Verónica Gutiérrez @vlocaciones Head of Postproduction: Nathalia Rodríguez @naathalia_ Postproduction Coordinators: Mariana Laguna @laguna.mariana, Alejandro Cruz @alejandroxxcruz Editor & Color Grading: Iván E. Pelayo @ivirri Talent: Young Couple: Cibel América Asuaje, Nicolás de las Rosas Mature Couple: Miguel Angel González, Patricia Carter ---------- FOLLOW AND LISTEN TO COLDPLAY ABOUT COLDPLAY Since forming at university in London, Coldplay have gone on to become one of the planet’s most popular acts, selling more than 100 million copies of their nine Number One albums, which have spawned a string of hits including Yellow, Clocks, Fix You, Paradise, Viva La Vida, A Sky Full Of Stars, Hymn For The Weekend, Adventure Of A Lifetime, Orphans, Higher Power and My Universe. Their newest album, Moon Music, is out now, featuring the singles feelslikeimfallinginlove, WE PRAY and ALL MY LOVE.