Sunday Mass, July 14, 2024 - Our Lady of Consolation Church
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Mass July 14, 2024 In Memory of Margaret Smith Readings: Amos 7 :12-15 (104B) Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 Mark 6:7-13 Our Lady of Consolation Church 603 West Second Ave. Parkesburg, PA. 19365 Mission Statement for Our Lady of Consolation Church We, the Joyful Family of God, united in our Catholic Faith, seek to model our patroness, Our Lady of Consolation, by bringing love and comfort to all, teaching God’s Children in His ways by word and sacrament, and keeping the vibrant love of Jesus present in our world. Rev. Sean O'Neill, Pastor http://www.olcchurch.org/ 610 857 3510