SUBLIMINAL🧿Evil Eyes Removal, Dark Energy,Black Magic,Negative Intentions Removal | Reiki Infused🪬
🪄This subliminal has been infused with multiple types of divinely guided reiki and energy healing modalities for your highest healing result and has been created with only the purest intentions to remove ALL evil eyes from your energy, along with removing all dark energy, black magic, negative intentions within your energy🙅🏻♀️❌ includes energy protection. 🧠👄[SUBLIMINALS INCLUDED]👄🧠 1. I am surrounded by a divine shield of light that repels all negativity and harm. 2. No evil energy can penetrate my aura; I am fully protected at all times. 3. I release and banish all dark energies, returning them to their source, neutralized and harmless. 4. My energy is pure, strong, and impervious to any form of negativity or ill intentions. 5. I am divinely guided and protected from all forms of evil and harm. 6. All black magic and harmful intentions are dissolved by the power of love and light surrounding me. 7. I reflect all negative energy back to its origin, multiplied by light and goodness. 8. I attract only positive, uplifting, and protective energies into my space. 9. My spirit is fortified with divine power, making me untouchable by any dark forces. 10. The universe, angels, and my higher self guard me, ensuring I remain safe and free from harm. ‼️It is HIGHLY recommended to loop this video while you sleep with it in the background due to repetition being key and the more reiki, the more benefit🌸 Visualize reiki as a golden light infusing your entire body ✨ 🧘🏻♀️Meditate with this music, let it play in the background while you’re working or doing chores or sleep with it in the background. Visualize reiki as a golden light infusing your entire body ✨ Headphones are optional and not required to receive🎧you only need to be open to receiving reiki in order to benefit 🫶 ✨Positive and divinely guided energies here ONLY🙏 🔁Loop this video while you go about your day and let it play in the background! Make sure to drink lots of water before receiving and after receiving as reiki works to clear your system of negative energy, stagnant energy, and toxins to bring balance back to your mind, body, and spirit ❤️ 😴The most important part of receiving reiki is accepting the healing. Then you can let this video play in the background while you close your eyes and focus on opening yourself up to reiki or even letting this video play in the background while you sleep❤️ you don’t need to physically watch this video all the way through if you’d rather close your eyes or fall asleep🤗 reiki knows exactly where it needs to go to help you heal! Reiki can help to provide stress-relief and relaxation, while at the same time, provides healing on a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level. It is a form of energy healing that increases life force energy ("Ki") and stimulates the body's natural healing process to heal and bring balance back to the mind, body, and spirit. Reiki also helps one to achieve spiritual advancement and is intention-based, which means specific areas of focus and goals can be used for Reiki to assist and support❤️ Like and subscribe if you enjoyed this content to support my channel🤗 Love always 🫶 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 💻If you would like to learn Reiki so YOU can heal yourself and/or others, you can sign up for my reiki courses here: 🪷🔗 https://www.glowingblissreiki.com/cou... 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 #subliminalreiki #evileyesremoval #subliminal #spiritualcleansing #clearingnegativeenergy #energyclearing #spiritualcleanse #positiveaffirmations #crystalreiki #reikisubliminal #subliminals #reikihealing #reikimaster #healingenergy #healingmusic #healingfrequency #relaxationmusic #healingsession #reikipractitioner #reikimasterteacher Disclaimer: Energy healing modalities are complementary to, and not a substitute for, traditional medicine. Glowing Bliss Reiki does not claim that any products or services offered can heal or cure anything. If you have concerning symptoms or issues, please always make sure to see a medical professional. This work is not intended to replace seeing a medical professional or psychologist. To be safe, please do not drive or operate machinery while watching, receiving and/or listening to this video.