THE RULES OF A HORROR TRILOGY… Scream 3 (2000) Reaction and Commentary (FIRST TIME WATCHING)

THE RULES OF A HORROR TRILOGY… Scream 3 (2000) Reaction and Commentary (FIRST TIME WATCHING)

THE RULES OF A HORROR TRILOGY… Scream 3 (2000) Reaction and Commentary (FIRST TIME WATCHING) I'm continuing my SCREAM marathon with the third movie, aptly titled Scream 3. We open on the Hollywood sign and start off the movie following Cotton who is the target of our new Ghostface. Later on we see Sidney isolating herself, Gale being recruited by Detective Kincaid to work the Ghostface case, and Dewey is working with Jennifer (who plays Gale in Stab 3: Return to Woodsboro). check out my film channel! ‪@yasminazineeddine‬ follow my socials: ig: @yasminazineeddine tik tok: @yasminazineeddine twitter: @yasminaisbored