Sunday Praise Worship: September 26, 2021 (Faith Lutheran Forest Lake)

Sunday Praise Worship: September 26, 2021 (Faith Lutheran Forest Lake)

With a love for Jesus, kids, and stories, Kaycee and her husband Pete had always planned to adopt. In 2016, while Kaycee was working as a youth pastor, they began dreaming about how to change the narrative around foster care adoption, especially within faith communities. Five months later, The Reel Hope Project was born and they began telling the stories of Minnesota’s waiting kids. In 2019, they adopted their son, whom Kaycee met through a Reel Hope video shoot. As Executive Director and Founder, Kaycee leads the organization and her team in the pursuit of The Reel Hope Project’s mission: A forever family for every child. We are the big small church in town. We relate to five different generations and do a pretty darn good job at it. We meet you where you are in life. Come for the fun children's sermon...stay for the thoughtful adult message with some theological depth. Faith Lutheran is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost Passage: John 19:25-27 Preacher: Kaycee Stanley, CEO of the Reel Hope Project #elcalutheran #lutheranchurch #lutheranworship