Lecture 4 Bank Reconciliation Statement By CMA CS Rohan Nimbalkar
Hello Students, You are at the right page for your sucess in future. On this YouTube Channel we provide Free Classes for Foundation , Free Marathon Videos , Free Live Query Session and Free Test Series. That Means you can do everything absoultely free without paying any chanrges. In case you want to get our Full Face to Face Regular Classes or Recording of face to face class than visit our website www.caindia.org. We beleive in Quality teaching by professional teachers. In our foundation team we have following teachers 1- CA Kapil Goyal 2- CA Aditya Sharma 3- CA Bunny Kohli 4- CA CS CMA Rohan Nimbalkar 5- CA Pooja Dayaramni 6- CA Agrima Kansal we all together will guide you from planning stage to our final result stage. Further we will also assist you in future guidance , Articleship from Big 4 and much more. So what you are waiting for join the below telegram channel for all the notes, regular update and announcements. https://t.me/CAFoundationByCAINDIA Thank You and Happy Leaning CA India Team