Berenstain bears share a nature walk and its beauty!#allthingsbrightandbeautiful #readingwithmrsmomo
Join Mrs. Momo as she reads us the story of the Berenstain Bears taking a walk in the beauty of nature and the wonder of God’s world. We can all benefit by getting out and enjoying the bright and beautiful splender of nature in the great outdoors! Enjoy this story today. Enjoy this wonderful story by Jan and Mike Berenstain. Join us now for this story of nature and its wonderful beauty. Mrs. Momo reads, shares, and discusses books, short stories, parables, and tales with those who need a moment of quiet, reflection or sharing with a friend. Mrs. Momo is a wife, mother, grandmother and a retired teacher who loves to share her love of a good story and the love she feels in her life. #readingwithmrsmomo #booktube #childrensliterature #allthingsbrightandbeautiful #janbrenstain #mikeberenstain #nature #zonderkidz.com #zondervan.com #brightandbeautiful #childrensclassicbooksreadaloud #bestkindofreading #walkinature #bearadventure #perspective #berenstainbears #naturehaseverythingtodowithgoingtochurch #wakinthecountry