참돔 찜 Steamed sea bream
바다의 여왕 참돔 찜입니다 회로도 유명하지만 찜으로 먹으면 부드러우면서도 찰진 식감이 일품이더라고요 특유의 감칠맛나는 도미 살이 단짠단짠 양념과 어우러지면서 나는 시너지도 대단합니다 It is a steamed dish made with the queen of the sea, the sea bream The circuit board is famous, but if you eat it steamed, the soft and sticky texture is excellent The synergy of the unique savory sea bream meat is also great as it blends with the sweet and salty seasoning #참돔 #찜 #korean #tasty #food #sea #bream